Hello from Tacoma Washington,

For those of you who do not know me, My name is Diane Herforth.  I have 4
children ages 26,24,21,14.  I have been active in the field of lactation for
over 25 years.  I was a LLL leader and took the first LC exam.  I am the
Northwest Reg. Rep. for ILCA.

I consider myself road kill on the communication highway.  I am being carried
kicking and screaming down this road by my children and love it most  of the
time.  I did freeze up my computer with all of these lovely messages and still
have not read them all but I wanted to say a few things.

I had so much fun at this ILCA conference.  I am so enjoying getting back to
childbirth education and being a Doula.  Let me know if any of you were in my
labor support break out.

Goat's Milk - In the 70's, It was very popular to use goat's milk in this area.
I had 2 babies hospitalized because of bloody stools from the goat's milk.
These mothers were using raw milk from friends or their own goat.  I do not know
if the store goat milk would be different because  these two mothers made me
believe that human babies were not goats.

Barometric Pressure - We don't have a lot of wind but we do get a lot of rain.
I taught in a elementary/jr. high school in the central city.  The principal had
a barometer on his desk.  He had us  all convinced that when the pressure went
down we were going to have a bad day, and when the pressure went up, we were
going to have a good day.  I never thought of it affecting babies. Interesting!

Delayed Milk Production - In the last year or so, I have had about 3 or 4
mothers who have had a delayed milk production.  Their milk did come in but it
took over 7-8 days.  One took about 2 weeks.  They all had been induced with a
large amount of
pitocin, followed by an epidural and more pitocin, followed by a cesarian
delivery and more pitocin postpartum.  Our feeling was that these mothers got so
much pitocin that their normal pituitary function was delayed.  What do you all

Well I had better stop for now.  I hope this goes out to the right spot.  It
always amazes me when things go right.
