Why is vitamin k "a must"? Most in the home birth community here (greater Boston) don't give it and I've never heard of a hemorraging problem. Not giving it makes drawing blood for pku easier--although you'd be surprised at how well those kids blood clots. In my childbirth classes, which are for hospital couples, I teach them to question the necessity of interventions. I tell them if they're going to circumisize before day 8 (when vitamin k levels come up naturally) then they need to give the vitamin k. Of course circumcision is a whole different issue. I'm interested in people's thoughts on vitamin k.
Stay cool all, (yesterday it was 97 here!)
Julie Brill, who used to lurk but now can't stop sending posts, maybe it's the pms?!
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P.S. I'm sorry the computer is splitting up words--I haven't figured out all the word processing commands yet.