Hi, guys. Again, I'm way behind in the mail, but since Becca Black asked
a direct question of me, it caught my eye and I'll do my best: I live in
Beer Sheva which has a very eclectic population including a large number
of Bedouin, some of whom still live in tents outside the city environs, but
many of whom are in nearby towns. I consulted with the head dietician of the
local medical center, and posed the goat milk question. If a Bedouin baby
was not breastfed for some reason or another, and was found to be allergic
to cow's milk, would goat's milk be recommended? And if not, what?
She answered that soy-based milk formula would be recommended.
And she agreed that Bedouin *do* drink goat milk. Good for you!
Judy K. in Beer Sheva, Israel