I recently had reason to ask about syntocinon (oxytocin nasal spray), and
I can tell you that it is no longer on the market. We discussed on
lactnet the use of pitocin, either sprayed nasally from a makeshift
syringe, or applied as drops sublingually (I liked that idea). However, I
never had a chance to apply the info because mom had given up by the time
I collected it. You can go back into the lactnet archives and dig some of
this discussion up, if you wish.

Meanwhile, my one thought about this mother is that perhaps her milk
supply has dropped below that "threshold" wherein one feels let downs. I
no longer remember how often I used to feel them, but I do know that they
went away after a certain point in time, and that this occurred earlier
when my milk supply faltered with my first baby. If baby or a pump can
stimulate the supply and bring it back up to a higher place, she will
most likely start feeling them again. I would consider this an indicator
that she is definitely dropping down, though not disappearing, and find
out how she feels about this. Does she want to nurse for a year, or two?
It is hard to keep the supply going if baby isn't patient and won't work
the breast till let-down, and she may need a pump to bump it back up if
baby won't do the job.  Good luck!

Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
