Re "Made in Japan," "Made in..." appears ca. 1900, becomes common ca.
     1905 and "Made in Japan"is apparently on most Japanese ceramics by
     1910.  Most post-1945 stuff seems to be marked "Made in Occupied
     Japan."  Most any good ceramics guide will tell you this.
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     Parks Canada
     Ottawa, Ontario
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Japanese Indus. Whiteware
Author:  HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]> at INTERNET
Date:    8/27/95 2:52 PM
I do not understand the context of "pre-1914" for your
Motiyama ceramics.  If the ceramics is marked "Made in
Japan," I would expect this to post-date 1945.  Could you respond with a
better explanation of why you find the deposit sealed
at 1914?
Ron May   c/o
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