>From: "Scott A. Binkley" <[log in to unmask]>
>Date:         Tue, 1 Aug 1995 20:41:53 -0400
>Subject:      Re: Sweat, watches, jewelry
>>I wonder after reading new comments if the bees are going for sweat
>>because it is salty?  The resultant stings we get are because we trap
>>them  on various parts of ourselves and all these parts would have
>>surface salt due to being sweaty - sorry but I assume we all sweat!
>If the bees were going for the salt, why would they sting you??
I have watched them go for that natural salt or perspiration and
they bite with their mandibles. The initial response is very similar
to a bee sting. (It feels like they are stinging you when it happens
in a tender spot.) I am sure most people would react the same and try
to remove the bee and actually get stung in the process.
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ Bienenzuechter