It would depend upon the number of coloneys you own, what you are doing to
them, and how you are dressed.
Typically I can go several days without a sting, but that is only because
whenever I am doing something as severe as splitting hives, etc.. I suit up
fully with additional layers of clothing underneath.  I have been stung once
through a glove though, as well as other places through clothing.  If you
have enough layers of clothing on they are not able to penetrate.
If I am just adding syrup to the inner feeders then I typically will not
suit up, and in many cases not even place a veil on.
As for number of stings, I still get stung perhaps fifty to one hundred
times a year.
Some days it is almost unbearable with the clothes on in the summer, and I
imagine anybody living in the south simply could not do this.
Robin Wells
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Barrie, Ontario, Canada