Dear Terry:
        I started off residency recommending corn syrup for constipation
alsoo.  I then ran into someone who had a fairly extensive experience with
infant botulism and had seen cases which had occurred in infants consuming
corn syrup, and I think there was a case here in Rochester (child exposed in
Pennsylvania, though) at the beginning of the year, though I can't be sure
right now.  Medline turned up an article in the American Journal of syrupes
of Children  infants.  I agree the evidence is far from incontrovertible,
but as a mother I chose not to give my infant either honey or corn syrup and
used prunes and prune juice instead.  Since I never recommend anything for
my patients which I would not also do for my own daughter, I recommend the
same regimen for constipation for my patients (if needed).
                                Giosi Di Meglio, M
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