My original concern was that I had been told that the mothers are so out of
it that they can't nurse after receiving duramorph. Sorry if that wasn't
clear.  The sleepy babies are indeed probably from the spinals, but the
good thing is many babies are out just minutes after the injection (mine
were; I had no pain medication until the cesareans were begun).

What confused me was thinking of a mother I counseled who had opiates three
days BEFORE the baby was born, who both was sleepy and had a sleepy baby,
thus my whacko comment about sleepiness in babies, when I was actually
wanting info on how sleepy the mothers are.

I am glad to hear how everyone has loved their births with this drug, and
that they were able to nurse.  The respiratory stress is a bit scary

Sue Ann Kendall, LLL Leader & lots of other things.
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Sue Ann Kendall, mother of two small boys, editor, La Leche League Leader,
Prairienet Publications Committee Head,                Champaign, IL USA
E. Central Ill. Breastfeeding Promotion Task Force Chair, 1995-6
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