You all better thank the folks that scheduled ILCA for two weeks ago, A
couple of days ago it was 121F (50 Celcius) in Phoenix.  Aren't you all glad
you came for the cool weather???

In the BF Answer Book, there is a atudy quoted done by Fomom, et al
indicating less than 0.1% of the iron in the iron fortified cereals was
bioavailable and they were inadequate for use as an iron supplement.  Does
someone have contiridictory information?  I realize the cereals are heavily
marketed for use in babies needing iron supplementation, but if only 0.1% is
available, then 99.9% is available to feed gut bacteria and early cereals
might actually do more harm than good.

All the BEST,
Linda Pohl, IBCLC
Sunny Phoenix, Arizona, USA