While listening to my local public radio station today, I heard an
interview with an (idiot) legislator who thought PKU caused jaundice (we
should all roll our eyes together now!) and someone from insurance industry
and a couple of other people, including one nurse who mentioned "lactation
consultants at our hospital!"--goodness!

Topic was pending legislation in ILLINOIS REQUIRING that MDs allow mothers
to remain in hospital at least 48 hours in order to avoid "PKU, jaundice,
and other illnesses of newborns."  They got someo of it right, but the
reasons were all wrong.  At least the nurse noted that teaching is
seriously curtailed when discharge occurs within 24 hours. One person
actaully mentioned that the 24 hours is being interpreted from time of
entry to hospital, not time of baby's delivery!  Ye gods and little fishes!

Anyway, consider this an alert for ILlinois LACTNETters and somethihng we
need to keep track of and possibly assist. Apparently, the bill is going
before the Senate in the fall.

 %% "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities      %%
 %% brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."            %%
 %% definition of a lactation consulting service.               %%
 %% Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC - [log in to unmask]          %%
 %% Homewood, Illinois USA                                      %%
