Dear Linda and everyone else who agreed with her post and everyone else on
lactnet (I love all you guys!)
I couldn't agree with this post more. I am a homebirth midwifery apprentice
and I know that what often goes on under hospital policy at the delivery
interferes with breastfeeding. I have been teaching for an hmo for several
years with no problems. In January I began teaching hospital clasees and I'm
constantly having run ins because of what I teach about episiotomies, breech
deliveries and cesareans. And yes, I get into trouble on breastfeeding issues
too. I teach that breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby and the
doctors and nurses complain (although the students don't). I get so
frustrated and wish I could somehow show them all how nice and normal birth
is at home.
Thanks for listening to me vent!
Julie Brill in Massachusetts
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