>I would also like to see more on this ultrasound treatment. Kathleen
Hi Kathleen
There was an article in Breastfeeding Review May 1993 on treatment of
mastitis with ultrasound. The results were not promising, however I have had
a few mothers who have had success with ultrasound for repeated bouts of
mastitis. I would be interested to hear other views.
As far as using it for caked breast, I have experienced a few of these and
have managed to get the milk flowing by using fairly firm massage after
giving the mother panadol for the pain, it works, but takes a long time and
is fairly invasive treatment.
Regards Jackie>
>Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC (e-mail = [log in to unmask])
>If you wanna see something cool...try this www page!
>     http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html