I experienced migraines with a visual aura while nursing my first baby.  He
was about 18mos old, if my memory serves me correctly, when I had some
diagnostic visual tests because I wasn't sure what was happening. Anyway,
something to check on in addition to food culprits is the mothers state of
hydration. In other words is she drinking too little.  Also if she
experiences edema from fluid retention (common in the summer esp. if she is
heavy to begin with).  I too certainly agree that to stop Bf seems
ridiculous, she may still get the migraines and then she would also be
missing the Bfing relationship.  Hope this is helpful, Ilene

P. S. Ilove the Latch on to Breastfeeding saying by Brenda Page
and would love to use it in meetings, is this O.K.?