On Tue, 18 Jul 1995, Marie Davis, Rn, Clc wrote:

> We had 2 cases of infant botulism traced to mom putting sugar on her nipples
> and 1 to corn syrup. This is a very dangerous practice. I've never seen such
> sick babies!
> Marie
When I read of the mom C-sect x 6 who put honey on the incision wound, I
got a bad feeling, altho she reported that it healed beautifully. I
thought of botulism and seems to me that she was very lucky - I would
never recommend honey for open wound, nipple soreness, etc. Interesting
that sugar and corn syrup led to botulism. Just trying to think
logically, not "scientifically", if it is well-known that sugar left in the
mouth can cause dental caries....... Judy K