Greetings from Politicalville, Ohio

Friends, I am so excited.... I was running out my remaining time on AOL since
tomorrow is my day to start afresh and I discovered a little treasure in the
News stand section: Congressional quarterly.  They have lists of e-mail
addresses for congresspersons, list the names of their staff, their voting
records, their committees, faxes, addresses and just about anything else you
could wish for. I read under the "what's new" heading "  the CQ alert. Then,
after I had made a copy, I flipped through all the other sections.  This
could be a treasure trove of information--especially the info about your

I was trying to find out more about the debate on block granting the WIC
program that was supposed to take place this week.  I have not been able to
find anything out about it.  Does anyone else know if the debate was held?

There is also a way to get a newsletter from congressional quarterly through

Queen Political Activity