Did you see this mom, or only talk to her?  If you haven't seen her in
person, I would be cautious at accepting a self-assessment of the latch.
Whe a baby is described as "fooling around on the breast", usually
something is askew. So many mothers misinterpret these early cues and
blame the baby, when actually the baby is trying to tell them that not
everything is kosher yet. Baby could be off center, or perhaps an oral
anomaly (such as bubbble palate) could be encouraging baby to place the
nipple in odd places in the mouth, or the baby could be squirmy and
discontent because he is on the end of the nipple and therefore not
getting enough. The clue here is an erupting crack---> baby knows what he
is conveying! IMHO, this should be checked out.

Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
