>My husband is in law enforcement.  In order for him to get on lists such as
>lactnet he had to send by slow paper mail copies of identification papers.
>Should lactnet consider becoming a restricted access list such as this?  I
>have no idea how much work this would be.  As much as we want our info. to
>the ends of the earth, it might be worth considering so formula companies
can not
>get the jump on us.  Food for thought.

Aarrggh!  I just wrote a whole long introduction, and my computer just ate it
for a late-night snack! :-/  Well, let me start over.  My name is Angie, and
I've only subscribed to LactNet for a few days.  I would've subscribed a long
time ago, but I didn't even know it existed until I heard about it from Kathy
Dettwyler, then read about it in the latest issue of Leaven.  I've had 2
children, but only 1 is living.  My first, Joshua, was born at 33 wks. gest.
due to a GBS (Group B Strep) infection.  He spent the last 5 weeks of his
life on ECMO (extra corporeal membrane oxygenation - basically a heart-lung
bypass machine), and he died when he was 6 weeks old.  I spent that whole
time using a breast pump every 2-3 hours, planning to breastfeed him, but he
was never well enough to receive anything other than IV fluids.  My second
baby, Jacob, was born almost exactly 1 year later, after a very stressful
"high risk" pregnancy, but I did manage to go full term this time.  I was
treated several times for GBS, but he was healthy and breastfed (and still
is, almost 3 years later!).

Anyway, I'm not a leader or lactation consultant, but I'm aspiring to it, and
my reason for writing was to respond to this security issue.  I obviously
realize the reason for thinking about restricting the list, but this would
probably mean that people like me wouldn't be able to be on it.  Although I'm
not currently counseling nursing mothers, I most likely will be in the
future, and this list is a great source of information for me!  I don't know
what the answer is, but I don't think this is it.  Just my opinion...

~Angie~  <----who'll crawl back in her hole and go back to lurking now! :)
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Mommy to Jacob Drew (8/20/92) and
Joshua Brett (8/6/91-9/17/91), our little angel baby 0:-)