Responding to a post about personal experiences with the White River pump:
        I got a chance to use the pump at the end of my eleven and a half
months of pumping experience.  Prior to that I had used the Lactina and the
Classic.  I found the White River somewhat more comfortable to use, though I
really can't say why (maybe the soft cups, and the self-controlled cycling).
Nonetheless I did just as poorly as usual in terms of milk volume - 2 to 3
oz in 25-30 minutes, evend with multiple (usually three) MER's.    I
did'very well' with the hand pump, getting 1.5-2 oz in half an hour,
compared to the Medela hand pumping system (1/4- 1/2 and oz) or hand
expressing (1/4-1/2 oz).  I guess from this you can gather that my pumping
experience, while extensive (at leastonce, sometimes twice a day from 7 to
1l 1/2 mos, an a little less frequently prior to that) was less than
satisfactory.  I don't think it was the pumps' fault.  Wonder what it was
about technique that just wouldn't allow me to let down well?  Any ideas?
I'll be pumping with the next one again, so I'd love to know.
        Meanwhile, next time I would get the White River, if I could find
someplace to rent it to me.  The cash layout to buy one is a major hindering
factor in its use.
                Giosi Di Meglio, MD
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