Just took a peek in the paper and guess what?  There is a BIG article on how
nutritious bugs are (also on how tasty they are!)  Grasshoppers are supposed
to taste like shrimp!  Diane Dufour an entomologist at the University of
Colorade-Boulder has found that the food value of ants, palm grubs and
caterpillars is comparable to that of goose liver, pork sausage and beef
liver, respectively.  And, (surprise, surprise), bugs are high in unsaturated
fats!! (Makes my dietitian heart flutter!)

Entomophagy - the official term for bug-eating.  Just knew you all would want
to know.

Unfortunately they did not discuss the calcium content of bugs.  Oh well-- I
guess I can do a letter to the editor and become the bug queen of all of
Dayton. Hmmmmmmm.

Queen Insectivoria Du Braah