Kathy Rubin,
I have not followed the discussion regarding pumping difficulties.  Sometimes
I think I miss some stuff on the Digest, because all of sudden everyone is
discussing topics that are new to me, even though I read (sometimes skim)
mail daily.  Anyone else having that experience?
Anyhow, I just had to comment on the pumping issues.  Reading all the
comments people made about spraying milk across the room, and leaking into
pillows, etc. is overwhelming for people like me.  I did not know about
electric pumps with my first baby, and weaned him early when I went back to
work because I could get NO MILK with a hand pump or manual expression, and
managed to squeeze out a little with a cheap hand held electic pump
(basically useless).  By the time I had my second I had developed an interest
in lactation and had learned about piston action electric pumps.  I really
didn't think it would work, and was amazed when I could actually obtain more
than a few ounces with one.  However, once I went back to work, even though I
was only working 3 days/week, I had a very tough time maintaining my milk.  I
had the perfect set up - private office, hospital grade electric pump, double
pump kit, few time pressures.  Nonetheless, it was always a battle to stretch
the amount of milk I could pump to satisfy my baby at home.  I  NEVER leaked
and was very prone to blocked ducts and an occasional mastitis.
Now that I have become an LC, I am very sensitive to those mothers who have
difficulty establishing and or maintaining a milk supply when they are
separated from their infants (for whatever the reason).  all the books make
expressing milk sound so easy and automatic, but for some of us it simply is
not!  I never tried Syntocinon, mainly because I didn't know about it at the
I am constantaly astounded when I see someone use a hand held breastpump and
pump out 8oz of milk in under 5 minutes without breaking a sweat!  I just
think we all need to realize the wide spectrum of individual physiology out
there and tailor our advise (and sensitivity) accordingly.
Elaine Webber IBCLC
(holding down the fort in Detroit during ILCA)