Oooh count me in the Alan Cunningham fan club - can we get him on this list?

I positively *love* his bibliographies, they are soooo well put together,
well thought out, well researched, well argued...
he is just.... <she swoons thinking of ways to describe such intellect>

I wish they were on line!!!!!!! Does he ever need people like this list to
discuss his/the research? I wish I could have gone to this conf too!

Tina Smillie MD <[log in to unmask]> said
>Greetings from your roving reporter--
>The first session I attended was Allan Cunningham on a global epidemiological
>review of morbidity and mortality comparing BF and artifically fed infants.
> It was good, but not as deep or comprehensive as i expected, yet on another
>level I liked the way he took everyone in the audience down from a stick
>figure of a generic human (who can think, play music, do math, write poetry,
>have a spiritual life, etc), thru the brain, down to the neuron to the
>synapse, and down to the lipid membrane to the long chain fatty acids of the
>various poly unsaturated fats that make up that membrane-- then showed how
>those unsaturated fats, by virtue of the actual chemistry that sounds so
>arcane, would make the lipid membrane more fluid and hence different than
>those made with different lipids, and hence the lack of one particular fatty
>acid might make a significant impact on brain development and function. then
>looked at studies like Lucas and Cole on IQ etc, and another looking a
>newborn vision w auditory evoked potentials, and made the whole thing simple.

Narelle Clark
   o        o     Underfed, underwashed, underslept - but well loved.
  \ / o  o \ /          It's great being a parent!
  ` '` '` '` '
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