Cyntia ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Kim Connor, Regarding your call for help about Depo and BF-Yes it >can be
>used, usually without decreasing milk supply.


>I heard Dr. Andrew Kaunitz, a
>porfessor in OB and GYn from U of Florida, at our Health >Department, a year
>or two ago.  He has been following the use of Depo all over the >world (10+
>years) and said it can even be started right after delivery with no
>There is research out there and anyone who needs it can get it from >him.

You might also want to contact Dr. Miriam Labbok, at the Institute for
Reproductive Medicine at Georgetown University.  She has done quite a bit of
research and has recently written a chapter for an OB-GYN textbook.  Her
conclusion was the opposite--that there is some impact, and that the Depo
shouldn't be started for several weeks.

Judy Dunlap, RNC, IBCLC