I had a call from a mother the other day with an interesting problem that I
haven't been able to find in my ref.  so I thought I'd pick your brains guys.
 Seems this woman has a small benign but growing tumor on her pituitary
gland.  She has been under a neuro physician and her OB for a few years.  The
gland seems to be slow growing in fact her mother has had it for years and is
just now talking about having surgery done to remove it.  The woman gave
birth two months ago and nursed her baby until just a few days ago when the
Dr. prescribled Parlodel.  The woman is aware of the side affects but at the
time I guess this is the best treatment.  She is sad about weaning but feels
she wants to get this tumor under control.  She has had other children and
nursed them, I think longer.  She couldn't remember the name of the tumor.
 She called with complaints of a plugged duct.  Which we are working on.
 Anyone out there have experience with this kind of problem would there have
been other choices of treatment?

Linda Rosetti [log in to unmask]
Clarkston, WA.