From: Becky Behre

I have a mom that 6 weeks ago had her second baby.  Her first baby is now
3 years old and when he was born she had very little milk.  She would nurse
and nurse him ( he was a great little nurser) but he lost weight.  Her breasts
changed only slightly with her first pregnancy.  Her doctor told her to
change to formula, but she opted for the SNS with encourgement.  After
several months, her milk supply began to increase and her breasts began
to enlarge, by 5-6 months she was finally able to toss the SNS though
she needed lots of reassurance (her baby was a butterball at 6 months).
She had lots of breast changes with 2nd pregnancy and BF baby #2 just
fine.  Baby has been gaining beautifully.  She still needs my reassurance,
but she is convinced that BF with the SNS with her first baby made
her breasts finally "kick into gear" and that if she hadn't done it
she would have had that same problem and another formula baby.

Becky B.