Bill Lord wrote:
>There is TREMENDOUS variability out there, a lot of it bad.
>I am wondering if it would be offensive if we had a
>discussion as to the merits of different queens on this list?  I
>have no desire to tear anyone down, but I would like to know who
>has good stock, particularly for my part of the country, and I
>don't mind passing on my observations.
>Bill Lord
>Louisburg, NC
>E-Mail  : wglord@franklin
>Internet: [log in to unmask]
>Phone   : 9194963344
I think that everyone would benefit from such knowledge.  I am sure
though that some of the breeders are probably members of this list
and might be offended to see negative remarks about their product.
Perhaps we should keep the information to what could be done to
create a better product.  No one can improve the quality of their
product without feedback from the customers.
 Carl Mueller     Email: [log in to unmask]
 West Palm Beach, Florida USA
         " Knowledge is where you find it."
  " Seek and Ye shall find, knock and it will be opened onto you!"