The first thing to do is to check through "A Bibliography of Glass Trade Beads
in North America" (1980) and "A Bibliography of Glass Trade Beads in North
America -- First Supplement" (1987) by Karlis Karklins and Roderick Sprague.
The two volumes contain 1043 annotated entries with an index that identifies
specific time periods and geographical/political regions. If you can't find them
in the library, the supplement can be ordered from me for $12.00 US postpaid.
The initial bib is now out of print but many of the entries appear in the bead
bibliography that Sprague and I published in Vol. 6 (1972) of the journal
"Historical Archaeology."
As for specific recommended references for dating beads, it really depends on
what region of North America you are interested in as different bead types
arrived in different parts of the continent at different times.  Consequently,
there really is no overall bead chrononlogy for North America.  That is why the
two bead bibs are so handy for researchers. However, even once you get into
regional chronologies, few are comprehensive and temporal ranges are constantly
being fine tuned as more and more data are recovered.
Anyway, if you can be more specific about the area of interest, I can probably
suggest some suitable references.
Karlis Karklins
Sr. Material Culture Researcher
Parks Canada
1600 Liverpool Court
Ottawa, ON K1A 0M5
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______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: info on N. American trade beads
Author:  HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]> at INTERNET
Date:    7/13/95 1:57 AM
 Karlis, are you out there?
Anita Cohen-Williams; Reference Services; Hayden Library
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ  85287-1006
PHONE: (602) 965-4579              FAX: (602) 965-9169
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Reply-To:     christopher arthur <[log in to unmask]>
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From:         christopher arthur <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      info on N. American trade beads
To:           Multiple recipients of list ARCH-L <[log in to unmask]>
A friend of mine recently asked me if i knew of any sources regarding glass
trade beads (i.e. historic trade in north america).  particularly info on
size, shape, and style changes through time, etc.  anybody got any quick
references on the subject?  I will, and my bud will by extension, be
greatful.  Thanks much.
chris arthur
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