Does anyone know the where-abouts of Gwen Hurst?  She is an
archeologist who was working for the National Park Service in
Skagway, Alaska in the late 1980s, and then moved to Hawaii
where she worked at the Bishop Museum and for an enviromental
contracting company (Ogden Environmental).  She has apparently
left Hawaii and returned to the west coast of the mainland US.
I am currently editing a report which she wrote in the late
1980s and would like her to review it before it goes to the
publisher.  If you know where she is, please respond to me at
[log in to unmask] , or by telephone at (907)-257-2539.
Thank you.
PS I am reposting this message on June 19.  Thanks to those
who have already provided information.
PSS I am attempting to repost this message on hist-arch on
July 20.  Thanks again.