About 5 weeks ago I started trying to remove a hive from the hollow
cornerstone of a house. I made a screen funnel and placed a 10 frame hive
with three frames of brood/eggs about 7 inches from the funnel exit. By 4
July the bee population exploded so I added another super of frames along
with pollen substitute/honey pattie. I also added another frame of
brood/eggs as I saw no signs of queen cells.  This last Wednesday I went
back and all the brood had hatched, no eggs but there were two new & empty
queen cells. A friend of mine thinks the hive body is too close the the
"wild" hive and that the wild queen's phermones are keeping the bees in the
"domestic" hive from starting a new queen and suggests I move the hive
further away from the cone exit.. Do you agree? If not what do you suggest
to get the hive queened?
God Bless,
Kelley Rosenlund ([log in to unmask])
Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.