I'm a hobbyist with two hives, one of which was built from a swarm from
the original hive this past June.  I'm concerned that the honey flow this year
is much less than what it was last year.
At this point, each hive has two hive bodies, lots of brood in the lower one and
the upper one nearly full.  Each also has one nearly full super, and one empty
 super that has new foundation.  The bees seem to not be drawing much wax
on the new foundation. The new supers are between the upper brood box and
the nearly full super.
I've noticed over the past week that the bees are doing a lot of hanging around
the landing board, even when flying conditions are good. At first I noticed
this behaviour at the end of a hot days, and it seemed like a normal
end to a hot busy day of foraging. Could this 'hanging around' instead be an
indication that the honey flow is down, maybe due to the dry weather
we have had this month?
Thanks in advance!
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