On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Eric Abell wrote:
> the Doctor in knowledgeable in this area.  Students I hire will get
> stung, get a little swelling, run to a Doctor, be told to take it easy
> for a few days - stay home from work, take two aspirins and come back in
> a few days.  I guess the Doctor is playing it safe but I dearly wish
> there was some way to educate these people to what is normal and what is not.
The Alberta Beekeepers Association resolved at the last general meeting to
qpproach the Canadian Honey Council to resurrect the research info
developed a few years ago witht the goal in mind of generating (seperate)
fact sheets to release to doctors and the public to combat misinformation
in these matters.
My followup requests for info in the progress indicate the project seems
to be stalled at present.
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                        VE6CFK
Rural Route One   Swalwell   Alberta   Canada  T0M 1Y0
Email:   [log in to unmask]    or   [log in to unmask]
Futures, Art & Honey:http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~dicka