Hi!  I've tried to send this introduction many times in the past few
weeks, but I'll try again.  I'm Theresa  Gutsch, MS, RD, CLE.  I'm a
LC in private practice and have been since the mid 1980s.  I also run
a home pump rental station, and do a lot of consulting with public
health agencies to do professional education to RDs, RNs, MDs, etc.
I just finished a really fun project with our local WIC agency going
to hospitals, clinics, health departments, school of nursing, medical
residency programs, etc. in the WIC project 3 county service area,
doing breastfeeding workshops.  For 3 years I was our State of WI WIC
BF Promotion Coordinator.  My master's thesis in the early 80s
studied the effectiveness of early pp support for women on the
duration of BF.

I am also a member of the WI Assoc. of Lactation Consultants (WALC),
the WI State Breastfeeding Coaltion (Professional Education
Committee), and the charter member and chairperson of our local
Breastfeeding Coaltion (Central WI BF Coalition).

I'm really enjoying Lactnet.  I'm having a hard time keeping up with
all the reading, however, even though I am saving to my word
processor program.  Can someone tell me the difference between the
Lactnet Digest "Special" and the "regular" Digest?  Wish I could come
to AZ this summer and meet all you T-shirt people!