I posted an introduction and a question about protocols last week.
 Unfortunately, three of my Lactnet digests were deleted before I could read
them (I'm semi computer literate--it was probably my fault), so I don't know
if there were any responses.  I apologize for repeating myself, but I am
hoping to get some feedback, so here's my question again. [I'll spare you the
introduction. :-) ]

I'd like to know if any other hospital-based LC's have developed inpatient
protocols for neonates who don't feed well (or at all) in the first day of
life.  We seem to have a large number of babies who don't nurse for hours and
hours after delivery, and to this point, we've just been working with them on
an individual basis, but our staff, which includes many new, relatively
inexperienced (with BF) nurses, doesn't feel comfortable with this when we
aren't there to help them.  Do you do sequential blood sugars?  Urine
specific gravities?  Follow a timetable?   Base on weights and/or gestational
ages?   I haven't been able to find anything in the literature which provides
guidelines, and I'd really appreciate any suggestions or experience from the
rest of you.  Thanks!

Judy Dunlap, RNC, BA, IBCLC