The Report of the COmmittee on Infectious Diseases of the American Academy
of Pediatrics (Redbook) CLEARLY states that Hep B is NOT a contraindication
for breastfeeding - any THEORETICAL risk is counted by the use of Hep B
vaccine and Hep B. Immunoglobulin. CMS is also not a problem in healthy
neonates but I don't have as good a reference at my fingertips.
*  Deena Zimmerman MD MPH                          *
*  Department of Pediatrics                        *
*  UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School        *
*  1 RWJ Place                                     *
*  New Brunswick, NJ 08903                         *
*                                                  *
*      phone (908) 235-7248                        *
*      fax   (908) 235-7345                        *
*      email  [log in to unmask] (internet)        *