As I take my first tenative steps onto the I-highway, I can't help thinking
that last year's mysterious TV commercials (It's coming...) were stangely
appropriate after all. :)

My name is Diana Dietz and I'm a registered nurse with 18 years experience in
public health nursing. Most of my experience is in Maternal/Child Health and
WIC. I became keenly interested in breastfeeding issues after attending a
couple of WIC-sponsored breastfeeding workshops. Out of this interest, and a
sense of frustration concerning the disempowerment of women when it came to
breastfeeding, I started a home-based business called Diana Designs. This
business is an all-consuming labor of love, leaving no time for other
interests (besides family) at this time!

I'm hoping that Lactnet will help me pick up practical breastfeeding tips,
keep me informed of BF political issues and give me an opportunity to "meet"
friendly people like you. In fact, if you'll be attending the LLLI Conference
in Chicago, please come visit me at booth #308; I won't be at the ILCA
Conference this year. :(

Question: Has anyone else seen the "Disney Encyclopedia of Baby and Child
Care" that comes with a coupon for free Carnation formula? It was introduced
as a 2 volume set of books this past May.If you've read the references to
breast and artificial feeding, I'd love to get your feedback. Please e-mail
me (I'll be unavailable July 8 through July 30). Thanks! Glad to be here -
thanks Kathleen A. and B.