Hello to All,

I have a couple of situations posed by an LLL Leader friend.

#1 In the group she works with the moms have let the baby lead in
introducing solid foods.  BBs have started solids anywhere from 4 months to
10 or 11 mos.  Mothers did not refuse solids when babies took an interest.
On the military base that the group meets at, all babies have a hemoglobin
test at the one year visit.  Many of these BBs have been diagnosed with low
iron, hemoglobin have been 9.5 to 10.4, with the Drs. considering 10.5 on
the low end of normal.  ALL of these kids are VERY healthy looking, active
kids, developing normally in every other way  Two things to question, first
is 10.5 normal for ALL BBs, or is this a norm taken from infants fed iron
fortified formulas and maybe a lower reading is OK in a breastfed baby?
Second thing is whether baby led solids perhaps caused the low iron readings.

#2  Healthy 15 month old girl, normal weight for height.  Pediatrician
noticed enlarged breasts. Not just a fat baby with fat pads but breast
development similar to what is seen in a newborn from maternal hormones  Mom
says baby has been this way, with no noticeable variation since birth.  Mom
is not taking any hormones and the condition does not change with menstrual
cycles.  Mom thought this was normal.  Now that pediatrician has seemed
concerned, mom is worried.

All the BEST, Linda Pohl, IBCLC