Hello all. I need the following people to send me addresses asap..with
money, preferably, for t shirts ordered:

I still need addresses for Tshirt recipients from :

Elisa Hirsch
Arly Helm
Marie Davis
Cynthia Payne
Anne W [log in to unmask]
Debbie Costello
Denise Mollenkopf
Pat Drazin
Phyllis Adamson
Kim Campbell
Linda SMith
Judy Knopf
Maryellen Vonlanthen
Suzette Pletcher
Kathy Dettwyler
Kathy Parkes
Peg Phillips
Marilee Woodworth
Pardee Hinson
Karen Gromada
Linda Pohl
Jackie Cesnik
MaryANne Taylor
Tracy Throckmorton
Regina Lockyer
Sharon Fontaine
Yaffa Stark
Linda [log in to unmask]
Anne Krak...the pharmacist
Beverly Rae
Cathy Liles
Deena Zimmerman
Lisa Marasco
Anne Calandro



Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC (email = [log in to unmask])
"Personally I am always ready to learn, although I do not always
like being taught."    Winston Churchill