  I'm truly interested in this also.  I have just started in my job as a
staff nurse at my hospital,  I am now using the title LC because that's  how
the consumer requests my attention.   My job particulars is that I am a
 senior  Navy Nurse and after spending 6 months separated form my family in
Croatia with the United Nations PeaceKeepers , the powers to be gave me what
I wanted.  So here I am starting from the dungeon.  A little joke because I
work in the oldest hospital still open from the Civil War ( Naval Medical
Center,  Portsmouth , Virginia...The First and The Finest which I am trying
to hard to do with BFing.
My biggest obstacle is dealing with the professionals but Im working on that.
 I beginning BF classes and a support group and I teach BF at an 1ihr session
as a guest speaker at Lemarze class.
  Finally getting to the point I use those open ended questions ... ok let's
talk about that and disspell their thoughts with imfo just like you and then
continue to explore so what are your other concerns...usually I can win them
over if I tell them there are many ways to get with breastfeeding if we are
creative and give more breast then anything else we do .   I tell them we
have to fit it in their lifestyle or I can't sell breastfeeding.  Sometimes I
give them a retrival for 24-48 hours and tell them any obstacles can be
overcome if they are still willing because I will help them.  All it takes is
time and talent and I have both for the breast feeding team.  I always give
my name and number, work /home and ask them to come and see me back on the PP
ward.  I can spend 45- 120 minutes sharing the imfo that you give and
 perhaps something will catch their fancy.  I F/U with them at 3-5 post
discharge, 2wk, 8wk  that's as old as my oldest baby is right now.  This way
they know I care about them. I tell them it's a learning experience for the
next 6 weeks and if they are not having a fun-loving time to call me and tell
what they want to do and I'll help them resolve problems or wean.   I must
have 150 women who I have made a rapport with in bf    and I probably have
only 10 quitters and they probably just doing the faddish thing that breast
is best and not understanding why it is the best.  Remember I 'm dealing with
Active Duty women and women who are married to active duty members and
military medicine.  Everything I do basically is what I can afford to do with
my time, energy, skill, knowledge and little support except for the nurses,
doctors and breastfeeding families who are satisfatied with my business.
 Just put your reputation on the line and do what you believe is right for
you and your client.  They do need to know not everyone cares enough about
them and breastfeeding as you and that's the difference .  If everyone was as
dedicated as you the formual companies would be out of business.

Nice chatting with you,  Karen Page