All this talk of commercialism and profit and advertising has me pulled two
directions.  I would like EVERY mom to have all the breastfeeding
information and support she needs at no charge.  I have found that reality
dictates that I must advertise and charge for services and products when
needed.  If I did not charge, I would have to return to work as an engineer
to support my family.  I feel helping moms and supporting breastfeeding will
make much more difference in the world than engineering.

Often much of my time is spent trying to educate moms on the risks and
benefits of products so they can make informed decisions on the things that
may enhance or inhibit breastfeeding for them.

I have met a lot of moms who say they cannot nurse unless they
- have special clothes
- have a pump
- have a special pillow
- can pump one bottle a day for dad to feed
- etc.

On the net we all realize that these things generally are not truly needed,
but if it keeps the baby at the breast longer, it is certainly better that a
mom spend her resources on breast feeding paraphernalia than formula.  I
picked up a sugar packet from a restaurant the other night.  I think the
slogan fits this situation quite well.
   "He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so
apt to get  the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers.

We are not necessarily looking for dollars, but it marketing does work.  If
it did not work, how would we, as a country, be sold on endangering our
children and their well-being with a considerably inferior product that
costs more to obtain the its superior counterpart?