
I would just like to add my comments to Lisa's and others re mums who seem
to quit *too* easily. I used also to worry about this, but now feel that
each mother has a right to make her own decision, as long as it is truly an
informed one. There are lots of mothers who do not enjoy breastfeeding and
do not value it as we do, and for some the feelings may stem from their own
experiences, possibly even of sexual abuse earlier in life, or just plain
distaste of such an intimate act (perhaps this also comes into it when mums
want to pump and feed by bottle). These mothers will most likely give a
more trite reason for quitting, like not enough milk, or time, or they had
sore nipples. Sometimes a mother is really looking for permission to quit,
as she feels everyone thinks breast is best, and if she quits she is a bad
mother. I think our role is to encourage, and inform, but never to
pressure. We should accept any mother's decision and support her, so she
feels good about her decision. We can reflect back to her good things she
has done, like how she gave her baby such a good start by x weeks of
breastfeeding or breastmilk, etc. One of the great strengths of the IBLCE
exam, I think, is its emphasis on counselling skills, so that we are able
to see things from the mother's point of view, and empathise with her. As
NMAA Counsellors we do this all the time, as I guess LLL Leaders do also -
it is the essence of mother-to-mother support, but certainly doesn't go
astray with health professionals dealing with mothers.