Dear Janet:  As already stated, the worst effects of smoking are on the
fetus, including SGA and increased risk of SIDS.  Nicotine does get into
the breast milk and has been associated with irritability in babies, but
also significantly reduces breast milk supply.  Since breastfeeding
protects babies from many of the diseases they are more likely to suffer
from in smoking households, we generally recommend breastfeeding to
parents who cannot quit smoking, but stress the importance of not smoking
in the room where the baby is (preferably not in the house!).  The risk
of SIDS is increased many-fold with second-hand smoke exposure (see JAMA
3/8/95).  I agree that the "scare" about prenatal risks is most
important, but it should be emphasized that quitting only during
pregnancy and resuming smoking in the infant's presence is very risky,
regardless of infant feeding method.  This may be one of my soap boxes,
but I see too often mothers who quit smoking during the pregnancy and
then start again after the baby is born, oblivious to all the risks (not
to mention the dads who expose their pregnant partners and unborn babes,
and continue to pollute the household after baby comes home).  Good
luck.  Alicia.  [log in to unmask]