Greetings to all you lactnetters!
I am working with a mom with ulcers--baby is 1 month, 5#10oz last
week.  Do any of you have experience with this?  What kind of med
can she take--Zantac and Tagamet are contraindicated because they
concentrate in the mom's blood.
Mom says she had ulcers previous to pregnancy, but took no meds
during pregnancy for fear of harming baby.  Now her stomach is
acting up again and it's painful enough for her to want to do
something about it.  Possibility it's stress instead of ulcer.
If it truly is ulcer--one doc says yes, gastr doc says he sees
nothing, first doc says gastro doc is lying--is there anthing she
can take?
Fun for the mom to be in the middle of a doctor struggle, huh?
Thanks in advance for any info.
Pat Bucknell, IBCLC
Avon Lake, Ohio