Hi all,

Had a call last night - long distance, from someone I don't know but who just
wanted some "advice".  Told me she had been diagnosed with a pituitary tumor
after a CAT scan & MRI the day before.  Baby just born, three days old.
 Mom's symptoms were blurry vision from 6 months pg. on, attributed to edema,
but after baby's birth, blurriness got much worse, having difficulty seeing.
 Doctor told her she had two options, surgery, or go on Parlodel to decrease
prolactin which was "feeding" the tumor.

This seemed a bit odd to me - wonder where the growth in the tumor came to
begin with as prolactin levels are normal during pg.  And can increased
prolactin cause an increase in tumor size?  And is Parlodel the best method
of rx?  I'm totally ignorant on this one - first case like this I have ever

As her vision was getting worse by the day, I suggested she follow her
physician's advice, but get a second opinion from an endocrinologist.  Also,
she was told to put the Parlodel in her vagina as there would be faster
&better absorption & blood levels.  (Yes, the little tablets we all know and
don't love)  Anne, any thoughts on this - other pharmacists on the line?  (I
forgot to ask my dear husband).

At least there is nothing boring about this job!

Jan B.