
Thanks for the upper.  just got to rewatch the interveiw on TV 2 (detroit).
 It went really well I am always tickled when positive breastfeeding
information is presented. Especially if I am able to be part of the positive

I had one of my clients with her 18 lb, 6 month old daugher (she was a 32
week 4# 4oz premie when she was born), the mom and baby were just great, mom
talked about nursing until at least 18 month or longer.  This round little
breastfeeding champ (apnea moniter and all) caused the reporter to change the
focus of the whole interview (i of course kept pushing for broader more
positive angles) From what mothers should know. To what the doctors that took
the bf survey didn't know,   perceptions of bf in public and long term >than
6 month nursing, right up past 2 years. They even put in our number so mom's
could get in contact with a knowledgable consultants (MALC)  in the detroit
 metro area. :)

The only thing that they messed up on is that they showed a clip the shopping
mall sit-in in New York and at the very end stated that "Michigan should
catch up and make BF legal."  We all ready did last year third state in the
nation I believe :(
I will be updating the station on this fact tomorrow.  What the real joke is
one of the reasons that they called me for the interview in the first place
is because of the piece on the law that they interviewed me for last year.
 Oh well, can't win them all.

The reaction from the piece was very positive.  The phones has been ringing
off the wall all night (good thing it wasn't the 11:00 News).

Good night for now,

Anne (the pharmacist)

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