Can anyone help a collegue of mine. At a meeting last night she told me
about her pnd: This is her 3rd baby, the previous 2 were fed for 14 and 15
months respectively and she never even had what we call "3 day blues". This
is her last baby and she is 14 months, mum isn't ready to wean as this is
her last baby and baby shows no intention yet. She had problems with the
birth as she needed an emergency c/s, at day 2 the baby was taken to another
hospital with bowel complications, turned out to be a mucus obstruction
which cleared naturally.
Since the baby was 5 months this mother has been suffering from periods of
depression. Her medico has said it could have been post natal shock and she
would feel better, but she hasn't and hasn't had time to go back since.
She asked me if I knew of any evidence of the connection between pnd and
breastfeeding. Particularly if weaning had ever improved the condition. I
said that I was unaware of any specific stuff, but would look into it. I
asked her if she felt the depresion could be cyclical and she said it could
be, she is ovulating, but still no periods. I asked her if she felt that she
was mourning the fact that this is her last baby and she didn't think so,
but is sad about it.
so all you clever ladies/men what can you tell me about this.
Needless to say we were surrounded by people and had very little time to
chat about this. I didn't have a chance to really get into the problem, but
will phone her after I get your input.
Thanks Jackie