I sent this message yesterday 6/18 but I not sure if it got to the place it should have. So, I'll ask again. It's great
practice anyway. We have a daycare in our community that has sent notice to the parents of breastfed infants that
they have instituted a new policy re: handling of breast milk and the infants receiving the breast milk. They are
now wearing gloves when feeding the infants and are heating the breast milk in a crock pot set on low.
My understanding is on the low setting the temp is 140 degrees. The daycare has said that the milk is only
left in the crock for 1-2 minutes. I find this unacceptable even for that long. Does anyone know of any guidelines
for appropriate warming of breast milk that I can share with them. This policy also came about after a article appeared in
our local paper I believe in Feb. warning daycare  providers about HIV transmission from breast milk.
