Hi all,

Forgot to mention another article in the Chicago Tribune today (Sunday 6/18)
re early d/c.  Was written by a Trib reporter, so not the same as the one for
the NY Times.  Very good article, by the way, not a mention of "shouldn't bf"
just that there wasn't time to teach bf or baby care, and that babies were
turning up in hospitals after d/c with dehydration and high bilis.  Mention
of a Calif. county that has treated 5 babies with brain damage from high
bilis in the last year - only 2 in the past decade prior to that.  NJ
legislators passed the mandatory 48 hours for vag deliveries and 96 for
C/Sections, but governor has not yet signed into law.  Apparently Anne (?)
did her job rather nicely!  Also Maryland considering the same?  Anyone else
have more information?

Jan B. (Avid reader of Chicago Tribune).  By the way, if anyone follows "Baby
Blues" (comic strip - I'm addicted to For Better or For Worse), but Wanda in
Baby Blues, who is breastfeeding new baby Hamish (Ham for short), left Ham in
bed with Darryl the other morning when she went to take a shower.  Shrieks
from bedroom of "Ow!  Stop it!  Let go!"  Wanda races in to Darryl saying,
"Why didn't you tell me not to take my shirt off?"  Also a couple of good
strips about co-sleeping.....  Good seeing some pro bf stuff in the

Jan (who will miss the Trib while she's in WI).