>This doesn't make sense to me.....I have never heard of depo provera being
>used to induce lactation, and can't find any research to support this.  Has
>anyone heard of this before???  Also, what are other LC's views on the use of
>domperidone.  I have to admit I am not comfortable with this....have there
>been any long-term studies on its use....parlodel used to be considered a
>'safe' drug for helping bf moms....what have we learned from that experience?
>Mary Anne, I have had one experience when a mother I know took Depo P for b
control.  Her milk supply decreased by a full half after this injection!!
The company claims that it can cause increased supply, but this was not my
client's experience.

Kathleen B



Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC (email = [log in to unmask])
"Personally I am always ready to learn, although I do not always
like being taught."    Winston Churchill