Thank you ANN for your story, mine is very similiar.  I never said
anything to anyone about nausea and breastfeeding, waiting for someone to
bring it up.  I did have one call once where a mother mentioned it and I
was relieved.  Retrospectively, I see that I could have explored further
with her.  Any how, I never had an overactive MER, really no problems
with nursing, well,..., Nausea would not be all the time, it was with
each child, never interfered in anything, except I liked to eat while
nursing, I figured if I was sitting, I could get two things done at the
same time, after latch on , I had no desire to eat - nausea.
I assumed it was hormonal, not common, but not abnormal.  It did not go
away at any point during our years of BFing, but it wasn't a major issue.
Robin Hollen, RN, IBCLC