Thanks so much for your reply. I spoke to the mom today.
Baby was taken to his MD today because Mom was worried. She had done as I
suggested, and taken him off of formula altogether for the past 3 days.  The
vomiting has stopped, and the stool by today had returned to a normal yellow
breastfeeding stool. The physician is a GP, and keeps telling mom if she will
just try a different formula like Enfamil or Similac or SMA it will probably
go away :/  Fortunately, Mom also uses her brain, and it didn't make good
sense to her!
The good news is baby is still gaining well. MD did not check H&H. Mom
relates baby is normally active, has nice pink color, and appears to be
feeling fine at present. I suggested a few more days of GI "rest" on
breastmilk before she tries the Nutramigen. We have discussed the signs of
trouble: emesis w/ blood, diarrhea, darker stools, baby appearing tired or
paler, colicky bahaviour, and she will watch for any of these. I will,
meanwhile, try to locate a pedi GI doc around here to refer to if we need to.

In answer to your question, there is not a lot of allergy in the family that
Mom is aware of. She states Dad has pollen allergies, however, and has had
sinus surgery for same. This baby has no vascular skin lesions that I saw
when examined.
I appreciate your consultation-I will share with the pediatricians with whom
I work-they are always interested in hearing my latest "milk stories" : )
 It's great having you on Lactnet!

Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC
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